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Showing posts with the label The Prophet (PBUH)

The reward of offering iftar

Zayd ibn-i Khalid al-Juhani narrates: The Messenger of Allah, Peace and Blessings Be Upon Him, Said: Whoever Offers Meal To His/Her Muslim Brother/Sister At The Time Of Iftar (The Meal Eaten By Muslims Breaking Their Fast After Sunset During The Month Of Ramadan), S/He Receives As Much Reward As S/He Has Earned. Nothing Becomes Less Of The Reward Of Those S/He Offered Meal To. (TirmidhĂ®, Sawm: 82; Ibn-E-Majah, Siyam: 40) ​ It is also a Sunnah to attend the invitation of iftar and to pray for him/her after eating and drinking. As Abdullah Ibn-I Zubair, May Allah Be Pleased with Him, Narrates, The Prophet (PBUH) Ate Iftar at The House of Sa'd Ibn-I Muadh, May Allah Be Pleased with Him, and Prayed for Them As Follows: "Let The Fasting Ones Eat Iftar With You. Let the Good Eat Of Your Meal. And Let The Angels Pray For You For Forgiveness. (Musnad, 3:138)" ​