How to Stop LinkedIn's Invitation Reminders

Many people are searching for solution that how to stop the auto reminder messages to friends or email list which accessed by LinkedIn for joining the LinkedIn. I was also one of them and I embarrassed when I received messages and calls from my friends. They told me please don’t send LinkedIn invitations we are already connected via LinkedIn.
My reply as usual that it’s an automatic reminder by the LinkedIn. J I searched on Google but the given methods never worked for me. 
Everyone having many email addresses and if a social media access your email lists so then they sending invitations regularly after a specific time.

Here I will show you how overcome on this problem.

1st. Log In to your LinkedIn profile.
2nd. Then click on Connections.

3rd. Then click on Add Connections

4th. Then Click on Manage imported contacts.

5th. Then select all. It will be by default selected if not then select all. And then Click on Delete All.

6th. Then a pop-up will appear and will ask Are you sure you want to delete these contacts?
Click on Delete.

It will start work on your request and a message will appear like this.

And then here is the result.

If there are no contacts in your contact list of LinkedIn so they will not able to send Reminders again and again.

Have a Relax Use of LinkedIn Now. J

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

this worked great@!

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