successful people

successful people

1) "It's quite fun to do the impossible." Walt Disney

2) "Learn everything you can, anytime you can, from anyone you can – there will always come a time when you will be grateful you did."  Sarah Cardwell

3) "Either write sth worth reading or do sth worth writing about."Benjamin Franklin

4) "Why waste a sentence saying nothing?" Seth Godin

5) "Make it simple. Make it memorable. Make it inviting to look at. Make it fun to read." Leo Burnett

6) "Inspiration exists, but it has to find you working."  Pablo Picasso

7) "If plan A fails, remember there are 25 more letters."  Chris Guillebeau

8) "Be specific enough to be believable and universal enough to be relevant." Ann Handley

9) "Above all, you want to create something you're proud of." Richard Branson

10) "Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."Ralph Waldo Emerson

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